CPD Team

About us:

We began our continued professional development programme journey in 2006 with the help of Marianne Bennison. After many years of teaching together we decided to root our own vision of how we work and give a practical and theoretical basis to our own practice. We have presented in the UK and Europe, at various conferences and hospital venues. Given our evidence based practice protocols and patient orientated work conundrums, we wanted to give a collective view and help our professional colleagues to make the right decisions for their practice. However evidence base does not mean disregarding practice based evidence and experience, in fact quite the opposite. We have been funnelled into an ever decreasing option base of treatment (see our present health system) and need to win back our autonomy of talking and touching our patients. How do you feel today versus Tell me where the pain is.

We ceased to provide organised CPD in 2020, but still strive to help people understand our approaches regarding the body's innate ability to heal itself and rid itself of the daily poisons we seem to expose ourselves too.


Philip von Hauenschild graduated from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM) in 1998. Having studied the violin until the age of 22 (and having suffered back ache!) he became interested in posture and movement patterns. Consequently his work at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London working with primary movement patterns, combined with his love of racquet sports emphasised the need for a whole body osteopathic concept. He taught at the BCOM (British College of Osteopathic Medicine) for 5 years and from 2002 -2016 at Oxford Brookes University as a senior lecturer and clinic co-ordinator. He has lectured and ran  courses in the UK, Germany, Israel, Denmark and Portugal. In 2020 he embraced a slightly different health approach still firmly routed in the osteopathic principals and resigned the GOSC register in 2022.
Iris Elbaz comes from a contemporary dance background having studied in France and Israel before her skiing accident which eventually lead her to her osteopathic training. In 1999 she became the in house Osteopath for the Savoy Group Hotels. After teaching at the London School of Osteopathy she came to Oxford Brookes in 2003 and lectured here until 2016. Iris has a wide interest in other therapies including Feldenkreis, Pilates and Yoga. She also lectured CPD (Continued Professional Development) sessions in the UK and to groups of Physiotherapists in Israel and is in close contact with orthopaedic surgeons in both the UK and Israel.  2020 was a turning point for many Osteopaths and she has immersed herself in a variety of approaches and understandings that she can use along with her Osteopathic Treatment.
Marianne graduated from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM) in 1989. She has worked as a practicing osteopath for the past 27 years in a variety of practices, mainly multidisciplinary. Marianne is now co-director as well as practicing osteopath at the Faringdon Clinic. Since 1996, she has combined clinical practice with teaching and research. Marianne has held a variety of teaching roles at BCOM and at Oxford Brookes University. She has been a visiting lecturer and presented widely both in the UK and abroad to osteopaths and other healthcare practitioners. She completed a Masters in Osteopathic Practice Education in 2015. Her thesis investigated the evidence for effectiveness of manual therapy for knee pain. She returned to the British College last year to continue her life long passion of education. 

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